Fruit Custard Recipe for Kids

Fruit Custard Recipe is a tasty and super delicious dish. Its easy to prepare and takes just about 30 minutes to make it.


2.5 cups milk 
5 tablespoons sugar 
3 tablespoons custard powder
3 tablespoons milk, warm or at room temperature
1.5 to 2 cups chopped fruits

Method:Fruit Custard Recipe

with milk:

take 2.5 cups milk in a thick bottomed pan or sauce pan and keep it on the stove top. bring the milk to a gentle heat or simmer.

whilst the milk is getting heated, in a small bowl, take 3 tbsp warm milk. you can take the 3 tbsp warm milk from the milk which is getting heated up or warm 3 tbsp milk separately in a microwave oven or on the stove top. add 3 tbsp custard powder.with a whisk stir very well to make a smooth paste without any lumps.

when the milk has come to a gentle heat, add 5 tbsp sugar. stir very well so that the sugar dissolves.

keep the flame on a low and then add the custard paste in parts.

as soon as you add the custard mixture, stir quickly so that lumps are not formed. finish of all the custard paste this way.keep on stirring often while the custard is cooking, so that lumps are not formed. cook for about 5 to 6 minutes on a low flame.

the mixture will thicken slowly. for a thicker custard, cook for a few more minutes. allow the custard to cool at room temperature. also keep in mind, that as the custard cools, it will thicken more. you can also keep the custard in fridge to chill it before adding the fruits.

chop the fruits. use seasonal fruits. avoid citrus fruits and melons. the fruits i used – apples, papaya, banana, strawberries and pomegranate.

once the custard has cooled, add the mixed fruits.mix well.serve garnished with some more fruits and pomegranate arils.


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